Free download the last book of the bible
Free download the last book of the bible

free download the last book of the bible

This icon shows one star (representing Israel) standing out from the others, just as God chooses Abraham to begin a unique nation. God keeps this promise, and by the end of the book, Abraham’s grandson Israel has a family of 12 sons: the patriarchs of the 12 tribes of Israel. And although Abraham is old, God promises that his descendants will be as innumerable as the stars of heaven (Gn 15:5). God chooses Abraham to be the father of a great nation, and promises that through him, all the nations of the earth will be blessed (Gn 12:1–3).

free download the last book of the bible

The central character in Genesis is a man named Abraham. Genesis is the first book of the Bible, and it means “beginning.” This is where the Bible’s story begins, and a good deal of the Bible stories we know so well are in Genesis (Noah’s Ark, Cain and Abel, Joseph’s coat, Adam and Eve, etc.). The first five books of the Bible deal with the “Law of Moses”: Israel’s beginnings, and their ancient agreement with God to be His people. There’s a lot to go through, so let’s take these books of the Bible section by section, shall we? You can click one of these links to jump to a certain set of Bible icons: Or you can go on a long tour of the icons, see my thought process behind each one, and then download them for free. You can download the whole set of free Bible icons right now. And hey, if you’re doing a presentation, these will do better than Clipart.

free download the last book of the bible

So this one goes out to all the Sunday-school teachers, OT-survey and NT-survey professors, and expository pastors who want a quick, high-level illustration of every book of the Bible. The written word is great, but we all know quick visuals would make it even easier to get the gist of the Bible’s many books. This website began as a way to help people understand the books of the Bible, mostly through big-picture summaries of the 66 books. We’re all in this Bible-study boat together. It’s a great idea, but the “what-if”s are off. A Christian college professor recently emailed me with an idea: what if there were a set of Bible icons for all 66 books of the Bible?

Free download the last book of the bible